Doctoral / Master Colloquium

In the colloquium - which takes place on a non-regular basis - doctoral or master students present the current state of their thesis. For master thesis, it typically takes place between four and six weeks before submission. The presentation should last about 60 minutes, the remaining time is reserved for discussion. Master thesis are presented in English. We should point out that the presentation is not part of an exam; rather students should see it as the opportunity to present their own research and to receive fruitful comments from the audience (the official oral examination usually takes place after the thesis has been submitted). Other students currently writing their master thesis at our chair are expected to participate; everybody else who is interested is also welcome to attend.


Presentations Winter Term 2024/25

February 25th 2025 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The The pass-through of vertical cost shocks: evidence from matched scanner data (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

February 18th 2025 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of the German minimum wage on transitions out of unemployment (Stefan Schwarz), 18:00 - 19:30

January 21st 2025 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Unpacking wage inequality: minimum wage effects on within- and between-firm disparities (Ying Liang), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Summer Term 2024

September 10th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of parental leave reforms on the within-family wage gap in Germany (Liudmila Trifonova, Master Thesis), 18:00 - 19:30

July 16th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Workplace exposure to artificial intelligence, wage growth and employment: Individual-level evidence from Germany (Julia Runkel, Master Thesis), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Winter Term 2023/24

February 27th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Internal Migration after a uniform minimum wage introduction (Alexander Moog), 18:00 - 19:30

February 20th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The impact of emergency contraception distribution on female university enrollment in Chile (Catalina Lauer), 18:00 - 19:00

February 13th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• How does the minimum wage affect the firms' capital structure decision (Ying Liang), 18:00 - 19:30

January 16th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

•The Cost Pass-through of retail crime: evidence from matched scanner data (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

January 09th 2024 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Employment responses to changing gas prices by Jan Wilhelm (master thesis), 18:00 - 19:30

December 19th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Weather and productivity – how temperature and precipitation shape our capacity to work (Vivien Voigt), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Summer Term 2023

June 20th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Evaluating potentials of synthetic dataset provision for research and statistical offices in Germany (master thesis, Yannik Garcia Ritz), 18:00 - 19:30

May 30th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effects of crime on prices, markups, and consumption: evidence from matched scanner data (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

May 23rd 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Labor demand responses to changing gas prices (Alexander Moog), 18:00 - 19:30

May 09th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Female directors, busyness and firm performance (Johannes Carow), 18:00 - 19:30

April 18th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Trends in immigrants-native wage inequality in Germany (Thorsten Aron), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Winter Term 2022/23

March 07th 2023 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Effects of recent minimum wage increases in Germany (Lars Chittka), 18:00 - 19:30

December 06th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• What happened to the home ground advantage in the second year of the crisis? (Vivien Voigt), 18:00 - 19:30

November 29th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Does the minimum wage reduce the ethnic wage gap? by Hira Kücük (master thesis), 18:00 - 19:30

November 22nd 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Does it work from home? A study on the effects of working from home on employees well-being, productivity, and work-life balance (Tiago Pereira), 18:00 - 19:30

November 15th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Minimum wage pass-through to prices across the supply chain (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

November 08th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The role of working hours: heterogeneous effects of the minimum wage (Ying Liang), 18:00 - 19:30

October 11th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of females on the supervisory board on structure and dynamics of the management board (Johannes Carow), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Summer Term 2022

August 2nd 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Internet access and school performance: evidence from the German SOEP (Joao Felipe Mayer Saucedo), 18:00 - 19:30

July 26th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of gender diverse supervisory boards on the gender remuneration gap at executive boards: an empirical analysis for Germany (Benedikt Brand), 18:00 - 19:30

June 28th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Determinants of paid and unpaid overtime: an international comparison of Germany and the UK (Julia Hörsch), 18:00 - 19:30

April 5th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The impact of the minimum wage on taking up jobs out of unemployment (Stefan Schwarz, IAB), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Winter Term 2021/22

March 29th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• How does the minimum wage affect firm's capital structure decision (Ying Liang), 18:00 - 19:30

March 22nd 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Peer effects on ICT skills (Vivien Voigt), 18:00 - 19:30

March 15th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Minimum wage pass-through across the supply chain. Evidence from the Washington state cannabis industry (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

February 22nd 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Determinants and dynamics in multiple job holding - evidence from the SOEP (Alexander Moog), 18:00 - 19:30

January 18th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The impact of German minimum wage policy on workers subjective well-being (Maria del Pilar Triana Torres), 18:00 - 19:30

January 11th 2022 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of low-emission zones on air quality in German cities (Sebastian Gradel), 18:00 - 19:30

November 23rd 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Effects of maternity on labor outcomes and employment quality for women in Chile (Catalina Lauer Zegarra, GSEFM), 18:00 - 19:30

November 2nd 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

•The impact of German minimum wage policy on the gender wage gap (Laura Fleckenstein), 18:00 - 19:30

October 19th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

•The role of multiple directorship and style in the context of the German gender quota for supervisory boards (Johannes Carow), 18:00 - 19:30

October 12th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

•Trends in the value of a statistical life (Carl Hase), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Summer Term 2021

September 28th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

•The effect of working hours mismatch on job satisfaction: evidence for workers with children (Daniela Maier), 18:00 - 19:30

July 27th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Unemployment duration and labour market transitions under different welfare regimes (Stefan Schwarz), 18:00 - 19:30

July 20th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Determinants of success in sports - The influence of visitors on the results of professional soccer matches  (Christian Orthey), 18:00 - 19:30

June 22nd 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Intergenerational job inheritance (Vivien Voigt), 18:00 - 19:30

May 11th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Risk taking in chess - Evidence from a neural network (Johannes Carow), 18:00 - 19:30

April 20th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• The effect of working rom home on the childcare gender gap (Tiago Pereira), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Winter Term 2020/21

March 30th 2021 (Tuesday), Digital Format

• Bey​ond F-statistic - A general approach for weak identification (Manuel Denzer), 18:00 - 19:30

Presentations Summer Term 2020

September 23rd 2020 (Wednesday), Digital Format

• Women on the board and the gender wage gap (Johannes Carow), 09:00 - 10:00

• Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction (Thorsten Schank), 10:15 - 11:15

• The German minimum wage and its effect on unemployment duration (Stefan Schwarz), 11:30 - 12:15

• Educational investment of migrant parents and return migration (Selen Yildirm), 13:00 - 14:00

• Out of sight out of mind - the effects of former loan agreements on future transfer fees within European Football (Tiago Pereira), 14:15 - 15:15

• New insights on the consequences of working from home on individual satisfaction and health (Manuel Denzer), 15:30 - 16:30


July 02nd 2020 (Thursday)

• The effect of team diversity on team performance in the German soccer league (Vasil Yordanov), 09:30 - 11:00


Presentations Summer Term 2019

June 27th 2019 (Thursday), room Softwarelabor 01-115 (Rewi II)​

• Estimating causal effects in binary response models with binary endogenous explanatory variables - A comparison of common estimators (Manuel Denzer), 08:30-9:30

• The effect of the Volkswagen emissions scandal on the demand for different automobile brands (Jonas Jähnke), 9:30-10:30

• The effect of women on supervisory boards on the employees’ gender wage gap. Evidence from German
linked employee-plant-firm data (Johannes Carow), 10:45-11:45

• The board of directors database and women on boards: Avenues for future research (Viktor Bozhinov), 11:45-12:45

• Work meaning, labor supply and unemployment (Stefan Schwarz), 14:00-15:00

• The association between school achievement, working memory and attention – Empirical evidence on the returns to early education investments (Vivien Voigt), 15:00-16:00


Presentations Winter Term 2018/19

October 17st 2018 (Wednesday), room HS VII 00-341 (Rewi II)​

• The development of wage inequality in Germany from 2006 to 2016 - Comparison of results based on the GSOEP and the GSES (Rebekka Schnitzler), 09:15-10:30

• Using Monte Carlo Simulations to compare OLS and Matching estimators (Maximilian Lüke), 10:30-11:45

• Flight Cancelations due to scarcity of reserve carrier – an empirical analysis (Tobias Hausman), 11:45-12:30

• Managers’ traits effect on firm performance and policies (Di Lu), 13:45-15:00


Presentations Summer Term 2018

June 21st 2018 (Thursday), room Softwarelabor 01-115 (Rewi II)​

• The effect of gender diverse supervisory boards on top executives compensation in Germany (Laura Bilavski), 09:15-10:30

• The development of wage inequality in the past two decades. Comparison of two datasets (Rebekka Schnitzler), 10:30-11:45

• Project Idea: The effect of online job search on match quality (Manuel Denzer), 11:45-12:30

• Do the same institutions matter for the prevalence and persistent job creation of high-growth firms? (Eva Erhardt), 13:45-15:00

• Market reform and price transmission: Evidence from a threshold cointergration analysis of the coffee market in Africa (Tewodros Dessie), 15:00-16:00


Presentations Winter Term 2017/18

February 7th 2018 (Wednesday), room RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

Labour market returns to physical exercise in Germany. An empirical Analysis (Mathias Dincher), 09:15-10:30

• Heterogeneous effects of a local labour market supply shock by refugees (Mario Scharfbillig), 10:30-11:45

• Board gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from Chinese firms (Di Lu), 13:00-14:15

Do female directors help women to get onto German management boards? (Viktor Bozhinov), 14:15-15:30

October 11th 2017 (Wednesday), room HS VII (ReWi II)

• Do women participate less in further education? (Linh Hoang), 09:00 - 10:00

• Determinants of internal and external job promotion (Nicole Nelling), 10:00 - 11:00

• The effects of regional allocation of refugees on local voting outcomes - Empirical evidence from the 2016 regional elections in Hesse (Mathias Lück), 11:15 - 12:15

• Market reform and price transmission: New Evidence from threshold cointergration – analysis for African countries (Tewodros Dessie), 12:15 - 13:15

• Do supplementary jobs for welfare recipients increase the chance of welfare exit? Evidence from Germany (Alexander Mosthaf), 14:45 - 15:45

• Does the internet increase the job finding rate? Evidence from a period of internet expansion (Manuel Denzer), 15:45 - 16:45


Presentations Summer Term 2017

June 22nd 2017 (Thursday), room RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)​

• The Relationship of Board Gender Diversity and Stock Price Informativeness: An Empirical Analysis of the DAX 160 Companies (Stephan Eck), 09:00 - 10:00

• Women on Boards, Attendance Rates and Firm Performance: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study (Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp), 10:00 - 11:00

• Do Female Political Role Models Change Attitudes towards Women in Leadership? Cross-Country Evidence from Europe (Viktor Bozhinov), 11:15 - 12:15

• The Effect of Parental Age at Birth on Educational Outcomes and Wages (Marc Diederichs), 12:15 - 13:15

• Does the German Statutory Minimum Wage Affect Working Hours? An Empirical Investigation (Christian Düben), 14:45 - 15:45

• Technological Change and Age in the Labor Force (Christoph Wirp), 15:55 - 16:55

April 20th 2017 (Thursday), room HS I (ReWi II)

• The role of aid to the health sector in attracting FDI: An empirical evidence from Africa (Franziska Ulrich), 09:00 - 10:00

• The effects of China's restricted Two-Child Policy on the marriage market (Di Lu), 10:00 - 11:00

• Barriers to high firm growth in Bulgaria (Eva Erhardt), 11:00 - 12:15

• Misreporting of welfare benefits in survey data and consequences for labour market transition analyses (Stefan Schwarz), 14:00 - 15:15

• Are employees with fixed-term contracts less absent from work than employees with permanent contracts? (Hannah Schwabl), 15:15 - 16:30


Presentations Winter Term 2016/17

February 16th 2017 (Thursday), room HS VII (ReWi II)

• Gender diversity, critical mass and firm performance: new evidence from German Boardrooms (Vera Steiz), 09:00 - 10:00

• Market liberalization and price pass through. Empirical evidence from coffee exporting countries (Tewodros Dessie), 10:00 - 11:00

• Barriers to high firm growth in Bulgaria (Eva Erhardt), 11:00 - 12:00

• Using simulations to evaluate different econometric methods to estimate dynamic non-linear models (Alexander Basan), 12:00 - 13:00

• Self-regulation training, labor market reintegration of unemployed individuals, and locus of control (Dr. Eva Berger), 14:30 - 15:30

• Introduction of a Mandated Board Gender Diversity: Stock Market Reactions in Germany (Viktor Bozhinov), 15:30 - 16:30

November 24th 2016 (Thursday), room HS VII (ReWi II)

• Has internet increased the job finding rate? An empirical analysis (Manuel Denzer), 09:00 - 10:00

• Data and data access at the Research Data Centre of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (Manfred Antoni, IAB Nürnberg), 10:00 - 11:00

• Change in self-efficacy as a source of state dependence in labor market dynamics (Alexander Mosthaf), 11:00 - 12:00

• China's two-child policy and its impact on the marriage market (Di Lu, GSEFM), 12:00 - 13:00

• Reservation wages, meaning of work and employment states (Stefan Schwarz, IAB Nürnberg), 14:30 - 15:30

• Gender diversity, critical mass and firm performance: new evidence from German Boardrooms (Vera Steitz), 15:30 - 16:30


Presentations Summer Term 2016

• Job search behavior of unemployment-benefit-II recipients. An empirical analysis using PASS (Lenin Castillo), September 29th 2016 (Thursday), 09:00 - 10:00, room RW 6 (ReWi I)

• Has internet increased the job finding rate? An empirical analysis (Manuel Denzer), September 29th 2016 (Thursday), 10:00 - 10:45, room RW 6 (ReWi I)

• China's Two-child Policy and Its Impact on the Labor Market (Di Lu), September 29th 2016(Thursday), 10:45 - 11:45, room RW 6 (ReWi I)

• Persistence of high-growth firms in Bulgaria (Eva Erhardt), September 29th 2016 (Thursday), 11:45 - 12:45, room RW 6 (ReWi I)

• Effects and implications of the gender quota in German supervisory boards. An Empirical Analysis (Viktor Bozhinov), September 29th 2016 (Thursday), 14:00 - 15:30, room RW 6
(ReWi I)

• Management Practices and Productivity in Germany: Establishment-Level Evidence from the GMOP Survey (Marie-Christine Laible, IAB, Nürnberg), September 29th 2016 (Thursday),
15:30 - 16:45, room RW 6 (ReWi I)

• The German Business Register (Dr. Thorsten Konietzko, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 09:00 - 10:40, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)

• Do wages rise more in large firms? Evidence for Germany (Ying Liang), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 10:40 - 12:00, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)

• Persistence of High-growth firms (Eva Erhardt), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 12:00 - 13:00, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)

• The effect of Smoking behavior on Labor market and health outcomes (Yingjie Huang), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 14:00 - 15:15, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)

• Is Technological Change biased against older Workers? (Christopher Wirp), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 15:15 - 16:00, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)

• Using simulations to evaluate different procedures to solve endogeneity bias (Annelen Carow), June 23rd 2016 (Thursday), 16:00 - 17:00, room 01-115 (ReWi Altbau)


Presentations Winter Term 2015/16

• Does income inequality contribute to current account imbalance: an empirical analysis (Penghui Yin), March 3rd 2016 (Thursday), 9:30 - 10:00, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Employment effects of the new German minimum wage: evidence from establishment-level micro data (Mario Bossler, IAB, Nürnberg), March 3rd 2016 (Thursday), 10:00 - 11:30, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• The impact of risk aversion on job search: an analysis using the Socio-Economic Panel (Dr. Alexander Mosthaf), March 3rd 2016 (Thursday), 11:30 - 13:00, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Gender differences in behavior under competitive pressure: the case of professional volleyball (Viktor Bozhinov), March 3rd 2016 (Thursday), 14:15 - 15:45, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Information friction and asymmetric price transmission: the case of mobile technology in the commodity export markets (Tewodros Dessie), March 3rd 2016 (Thursday), 15:45 - 16:45, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Alliances among Venture Backed Companies. Empirical Evidence from Biotechs (Leonhard Brinster). January 21st 2016 (Thursday), 10:15 - 11:45, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)


Presentations Summer Term 2015

• Persistence in welfare-receipt. An empirical analysis using the Panel Study “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS) (Stefan Schwarz). September 30th 2015 (Wednesday), 16:15 – 17:45, RW 6 (Rewi Neubau)

•Technology Diffusion, Worker Mobility and the Returns to Skill (Damir Stijepic). September 29th 2015 (Tuesday), 14:15 - 15:45, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• What are the determinants of rent prices in Germany? An empirical analysis (Sarim Khalid). July 30th 2015 (Thursday), 10:15-11:45, HS V (ReWi Altbau)

• Job mobility and risk aversion. An empirical analysis using the German Socio-Economic Panel (Sandra Achten). July 07th 2015 (Tuesday), 14:15-15:45, HS I (ReWi Altbau)


Presentations Winter Term 2014/15

• Institutional change, openess and development: Evidence from Africa (Felix Giorgio Amato). February 18th 2015 (Wednesday), 14:15-15:45, HS VI (ReWi-Altbau)

• Trade liberalization and price pass-through: Evidence from the world coffee market (Victor Gimenez Perales). January 28th 2015 (Wednesday), 14:15-15:45, HS VI (ReWi-Altbau)

• An Analysis of forecasting methods with the example of the German GDP forecasting (Christian Endres). January 21st 2015 (Wednesday), 14:15-15:45, HS VI (ReWi-Altbau)

• Analysis of the impact of health facility condition on educational outcomes of elementary school students: Evidence from Uganda (Jan-Stephen Welsch). December 17th 2014 (Wednesday), 14:15 – 15:45, HS III (ReWi Altbau)

• Does winning today increase the chances of winning tomorrow? An empirical analysis of football data (Julius Nick), October 15th 2014 (Wednesday), 10:15 – 11:45, HS VI (ReWi Altbau)


Presentations Summer Term 2014

• Determinanten der CDS-Spreads - eine dynamische Paneldatenanalyse - (Jörg Geier), September 24th 2014 (Wednesday), 10:15-11:45, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Die Determinanten nationaler Migration (Samir Ben Naceur), September 9th 2014 (Tuesday), 10:15 – 11:45, HS VI (ReWi Altbau)

• Women Labor Force Participation and Economic Development: Evidence from Developing Countries (Farhan Azmat), July 31st (Thursday), 14:00 - 16:00, HS VI (ReWi Altbau)

• Human capital and its impact - income differentials between Bachelor, Master and Diploma graduates (Nora Nickig), July 10th 2014 (Thursday), 10:15 – 11:45, HS V (ReWi Altbau)

• Children and their parents labor supply: Evidence from Germany (Eni Bilbili), April 15th 2014 (Tuesday), 14:00 - 16:00, HS VI (ReWi Altbau)

• The determinants of China's urban house Price: Evidence from provincial Panel data in mainland China (Fan Yang), April 8th 2014 (Tuesday), 14:00 - 16:00, HS V (ReWi Altbau)


Presentations Winter Term 2013/14

• Numerical computation of bayesian posteriors (Moataz Shatta) March 18th 2014 (Tuesday), 17:00 - 19:00, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• Does the composition of government expenditure matter for economic growth? An empirical analysis (Christine Awiti), March 18th 2014 (Tuesday), 14:00 - 16:00, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• Estimating Market Power: Evidence from the World Coffee Industry (Tewodros Dessie), March 12th 2014 (Wednesday), 14:00 - 16:00, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Does microcredit create jobs? First presentation of an Impact assessment in Bulgaria (Eva Erhardt), March 12th 2014 (Wednesday), 10:00 - 12:00, RW 6 (ReWi Neubau)

• Numerical Integration used for Inference in State-Space Models (Constantin Weiser), October 7th 2013 (Thursday), 9:00 - 11:00, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)


Presentations Summer Term 2013

• The construction of a regional price index for the German Federal state of Hesse (Stefanie Käuser und Mathias Bieg, Master), September 4th 2013 (Wednesday), 14.00 - 18.00, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• To move or not to move: the effects of wage, unemployment and house price differentials on the interregional migration decision in Germany. (Lorna Syme, Master) July 26th 2013 (Friday), 14.00 - 15.30, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• Wage and Employment Effects of Immigration to Russia (Evgenia Poliakova, Master) July 26th 2013 (Friday), 11.00 - 12.30, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• Theory and empirical applications of the European airline market (Chunxiao Ma, Master) July 26th 2013 (Friday), 9.00 - 10.30, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• An analysis of the economic transition and income inequality in China (Xiaoli Jiang, Master) May 21st 2013 (Tuesday), 16.00 - 17.30, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)

• Horizontale Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse: Motive und Wohlfahrtseffekte (Atahar Ahmad, Diplom), May 29th 2013 (Monday), 14.00 - 15.30, 00-341 (ReWi Altbau)