Possible Topics:
• The Price of Tax Exemption: How Tribal Cannabis Stores Reshape Local Markets (Hase)
• Do unions reduce the ethnic wage gap? (Hase)
• Does the minimum wage reduce the ethnic wage gap? (Hase)
• The homeownership gap between immigrants and natives and heterogeneous impacts of homeownership on life satisfaction (Liang)
• COVID-19, working from home and wage inequality (Liang)
• Exposure to flooding risks and geographic labor mobility/internal migration. (Moog)
• Do household income shocks lead to divorces and unstable families? (Moog)
• The effect of having internet at home on the probability to move to another location (Schank)
• The effect of having internet at home on people’s social behavior (Schank)
• The effect of the public smoking ban in Germany on people’s propensity to go out (Schank)
• Is the public smoking ban in Germany good or bad for pubs and restaurants? (Schank)
• The effect of public holidays on worker productivity (Schank)
• The effect of team diversity (in respect of e.g. age, nationality, experience) on team performance in the German soccer/ volleyball league (Voigt)
• Value inheritance: The effect of parents' academic values on children's ambitions (Voigt)
• Does the presence of children reduce the amount of training on the job and what is the associated wage penalty? (Carow)
• Determinants of the duration of parental leaves of fathers (Carow)
For further information, you can contact the person mentioned in brackets. You can also contact us with your own suggestion.
Thesis currently in process:
• The effect of parental leave reforms on the within-family wage gap in Germany (Liudmila Trifonova)
Completed dissertations:
• Workplace exposure to artificial intelligence, wage growth and employment: Individual-level evidence from Germany (Julia Runkel)
• Employment responses to changing gas prices (Jan Lucas Wilhelm)
• Evaluating potentials of synthetic dataset provision for research and statistical offices in Germany (Yannik Garcia Ritz)
• Trends in immigrant-native wage inequality in Germany (Thorsten Aron)
• Der Einfluss des gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes in Deutschland auf Stundenlöhne und Monatseinkommen (Lars Chittka)
• Does the minimum wage reduce the ethnic wage gap? (Hira Kücük)
• Internet access and school performance: evidence from the German SOEP (Joao Felipe Mayer Saucedo)
• The effect of gender diverse supervisory boards on the gender remuneration gap at executive boards: An empirical analysis for Germany (Benedikt Brand)
• Determinants of paid and unpaid overtime: an international comparison of Germany and the UK (Julia Hörsch)
• Determinants and dynamics in multiple job holding - evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel (Alexander Moog)
• The effect of low-emission zones on air quality in German cities (Sebastian Gradel)
• The impact of German minimum wage policy on workers subjective well-being (Maria del Pilar Triana Torres)
• The impact of German minimum wage policy on the gender wage gap (Laura Fleckenstein)
• The effect of working hours mismatch on job satisfaction: evidence for workers with children (Daniela Maier)
• Determinants of success in sports -the influence of visitors on the results of professional soccer matches (Christian Orthey)
• Out of sight out of mind - the effects of former loan agreements on future transfer fees within European Football (Tiago Pereira)
• The effect of team diversity on team performance in the German soccer league (Vasil Yordanov)
• The effect of the Volkswagen emission scandal on the sales of different automobile brands (Jonas Jähnke)
• The effect of women on supervisory boards on the employees' gender wage gap. Evidence from German linked employee-plant-firm data (Johannes Carow)
• Determinants of flight irregularities: an empirical analysis for Lufthansa Technik (Tobias Hausmann)
• Using Monte Carlo simulations to compare OLS and Matching estimators (Maximilian Lüke)
• The development of wage inequality in Germany from 2006 to 2016 - comparison of results based on the GSOEP and the GSES (Rebekka Schnitzler)
• The effect of gender diverse supervisory boards on top executive's compensation in Germany: An empirical analysis (Laura Bilavski)
• Labour market returns to physical exercise in Germany. An empirical analysis (Matthias Dincher)
• The effects of regional allocation of refugees on local voting outcomes - empirical evidence from the 2016 regional elections in Hesse (Germany) (Mathias Lück)
• Do women participate less in further education? (Linh Hoang)
• Determinants of internal and external job promotion - an empirical analysis with German SOEP data (Nicole Nelling)
• The effect of parental age at birth on educational outcomes and wages: an empirical analysis with the German SOEP (Marc Diederichs)
• The relationship of board gender diversity and stock price informativeness: an empirical analysis of the DAX 160 companies (Stephan Eck)
• Does the German statutory minimum wage affect working hours? An empirical investigation (Christian Düben)
• Are employees with fixed-term contracts less absent from work than employees with permanent contracts? An empirical analysis using the German Socio-Economic Panel (Hannah Schwabl)
• The role of aid to the health sector in attracting FDI: empirical evidence from Africa (Franziska Ulrich)
• Using simulations to evaluate different econometric methods to estimate dynamic non-linear models (Alexander Basan)
• Gender diversity, critical mass and firm performance: new evidence from German boardrooms (Vera Steitz)
• Job search behavior of unemployment-benefit-II recipients. An empirical analysis using PASS (Lenin Castillo)
• Has internet increased the job finding rate? An empirical analysis (Manuel Denzer)
• Using simulations to evaluate different methods to estimate binary response models with a binary endogenous explanatory variable (Annelen Carow)
• Do wages rise more in large firms? Evidence for Germany (Ying Liang)
• The effect of smoking behavior on labor market and health outcomes (Yingjie Huang)
• Strategic alliances among venture backed companies - empirical evidence from biotechs (Leonhard Brinster)
• Persistence in welfare-receipt. An empirical analysis using the panel study "Labour Market and Social Security" (PASS) (Stefan Schwarz)
• What are the determinants of rent prices in Germany? An empirical analysis (Sarim Khalid)
• Job mobility and risk aversion. An empirical analysis using the German Socio-Economic Panel (Sandra Achten)
• The impact of natural resources on economic growth using simulated maximum likelihood methods to estimate country-specific coefficients (Giacomo Benini)
• Institutional change, openness and development: evidence from Africa (Felix Giorgio Amato)
• Trade liberalization and price pass-through: evidence from the world coffee market (Victor Gimenez Perales)
• Analysis of the impact of health facility condition on educational outcomes of elementary school students: evidence from Uganda (Jan-Stephen Welsch)
• An analysis of forecasting methods with the example of the German GDP forecasting (Christian Endres)
• Does winning today increase the chances of winning tomorrow? An empirical analysis of football data (Julius Nick)
• Determinanten der CDS-Spreads - eine dynamische Paneldatenanalyse - (Jörg Geier)
• Women labor force participation and economic development: evidence from developing countries (Farhan Azmat)
• Die Determinanten nationaler Migration (Samir Ben Naceur, Diplom)
• Human capital and its impact - income differentials between Bachelor, Master and Diploma graduates (Nora Nickig)
• Children and their parents labor supply: evidence from Germany (Eni Bilbili)
• The determinants of China's urban house price: evidence from provincial panel data in mainland China (Fan Yang)
• The construction of a regional price index for the German federal state of Hesse (Stefanie Käuser und Mathias Bieg)
• To move or not to move: the effects of wage, unemployment and house price differentials on the interregional migration decision in Germany (Lorna Syme)
• Wage and employment effects of immigration to Russia (Evgenia Poliakova)
• Theory and empirical applications of the European airline market (Chunxiao Ma)
• An analysis of the economic transition and income inequality in China (Xiaoli Jiang)
• Horizontale Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse: Motive und Wohlfahrtseffekte (Atahar Ahmad, Diplom)
• Auswirkungen von aktivierender Arbeitsmarktpolitik im Rahmen von Such- und Matchingmodellen (Patrick Könsgen, Diplom)
• Labour market dynamics of couples receiving welfare. An empirical analysis using PASS (Lisa Leschnig)
• Die Lohnkurve: eine empirische Schätzung mit Daten der Verdienststrukturerhebung 2006 (Thorsten Ritter, Diplom)
• Studentische Preisdiskriminierung am Mainzer Staatstheater (Sarah Anna Mediouni, Diplom)
• Eine Analyse der Reaktion des deutschen Arbeitsmarktes auf die Finanzkrise (Daniel Vorreiter, Diplom)
• Preisdiskriminierung im Schienenpersonenfernverkehr: Eine ökonomische Analyse in Theorie und Praxis – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des InterConnex“ (Vera Plachetka, Diplom)