Economic Analysis of Micro Data – WiSe 2024/25

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schank (Lecture), Vivien Voigt (Tutorial)
ID Number: 3281 (Lecture), 3286 (Tutorial)
Contact Time: 2 SWS lecture and 2 SWS tutorial
Credit points: 6 ECTS for Master students
Time/Place :

Mon, 14:15 – 15:45, PC-Pool 00 275

Tue,  10:15 – 11:45, PC Pool 00-275

First Session: Mon, 28.10.2024
Language: English
Assessment: Presentation of a journal article, term paper (Management students can submit their term paper in German)


The course covers the following topics: (1) How to carry out an empirical project (2) Multiple Regression (3) Matching (4) Instrumental Variables (5) Panel Data Methods.

While reviewing the empirical methods, applications in the fields of labor economics are discussed. These include returns to education, wage discrimination of women, returns to job mobility and evaluation of labor market programs. Students will then use Stata to apply the empirical methods to real data.

Class material and handouts can be downloaded from the e-learning platform ILIAS.