
03.07.2024: Am 09.07. findet der Vortrag "Forschung und Entwicklung in der Bundesstatistik" statt
Die Ankündigung finden Sie hier
25.05.2024: New discussion paper by Mario Bossler, Lars Chittka and Thorsten Schank on "A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy!"
Further information can be found here
02.05.2024: New discussion paper by Alexander Moog on “Internal migration after a uniform minimum wage introduction”
Further information can be found here
08.04.2024: New discussion paper by Mario Bossler, Ying Liang and Thorsten Schank on "Heterogeneous effects of the German minimum wage on working hours and minijobs"
Further information can be found here
08.04.2024: Information event on April 23 on the master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management
Further information can be found here
16.01.2024: Information event on January 23 on the master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management
Further information can be found here
16.01.2024: Am 24.01 findet der Vortrag "Der Mikrozensus ab 2020 - mehr Daten und mehr Herausforderungen" statt
Die Ankündigung finden Sie hier
15.12.2023: Johannes Carow obtains doctoral degree
Further information can be found here
26.11.2023: On December 1, 2023, leading research data centers will introduce themselves and their data (online event)
Further information can be found here
17.10.2023: New publication by Alexander Mosthaf, Thorsten Schank and Stefan Schwarz on “Do supplementary jobs for welfare recipients increase the chance of welfare exit? Evidence from Germany”
Further information can be found here

16.08.2023: Stellenausschreibung Tutor*innen Statistik II SoSe 2024

Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier

23.03.2023: New discussion paper by Carl Hase on “Minimum Wage Pass-through to Wholesale and Retail Prices: Evidence from Cannabis Scanner Data”
Further information can be found here
20.03.2023: Stellenausschreibung Tutor*innen Statistik II WiSe 2023/2024
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier
20.03.2023: New discussion paper by Mario Bossler, Alexander Moog and Thorsten Schank: Labor demand responses to changing gas prices
Further information can be found here
22.01.2023: Information event on January 31 on the master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management (hybrid format)
Further information can be found here
08.08.2022: Stellenausschreibung Tutor*innen Statistik I SoSe 2023
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier
30.06.2022: Dr. Manuel Denzer obtains PhD-thesis award of the Alfred-Teves-Foundation
Further information can be found here.
03.05.2022: New publication  by Mario Bossler and Thorsten Schank: Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction, Journal of Labor Economics
Further information can be found here.
21.04.2022: Information event on April 27 on the new master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management
Further information can be found here.
05.03.2022: Stellenausschreibung Tutoren in Statistik II WiSe 2022/23
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier.
12.01.2022: Information event on January 24 on the new master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management
Further information can be found here.
09.12.2021: New master program in Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management starting in the winter term 2022
Further information can be found here ...
06.10.2021: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik I im SoSe 2022 gesucht
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier ...
08.07.2021: Manuel Denzer obtains doctoral degree
Further Information can be found here.
26.05.2021: New discussion paper by Manuel Denzer and Constantin Weiser: Beyond F-statistic - A General Approach for Assessing Weak Identification
Please find the discussion paper here.
26.05.2021: New discussion paper by Manuel Denzer and Philipp Grunau: The Impacts of Working from Home on Individual Health and Well-being
Please find the discussion paper here.
13.04.2021: New discussion paper by Alexander Mosthaf, Thorsten Schank and Stefan Schwarz: Do supplementary jobs for welfare recipients increase the chance of welfare exit? Evidence from Germany
Please find the publication here ...
11.03.2021: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik II im WiSe 2021/22 gesucht
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier ...
22.12.2020: New publication by Manuel Denzer, Thorsten Schank and Richard Upward: Does the internet increase the job finding rate? Evidence from a period of internet expansion
Please find the publication here.
26.11.2020: Talk of Thomas Cornelissen at the Faculty Seminar
Further information can be found here ...
05.10.2020: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik I im SoSe 2021 gesucht
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier ...
21.09.2020: Research Workshop on September 23rd 
Further Information can be found here. …
07.07.2020: Di Lu obtains doctoral degree
Further Information can be found here...
25.06.2020: Eva Erhardt obtains PhD-thesis award of the Alfred-Teves Foundation
Further Information can be found here...
05.05.2020: Hervorragende Platzierung im CHE Ranking 2020 
Further Information can be found here. …
05.05.2020: Wissenschaftlicher Aufruf zur  randomisierten Lockerung der Covid-19 Kontaktregeln
Further Information can be found here...
04.05.2020: Manuel Denzer selected to participate in the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences
Further Information can be found here...
09.04.2020: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik II im WiSe 20/21 gesucht
Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier.
11.03.2020: Research Workshop on March 17th  -- cancelled due to Corona --
Further Information can be found here. …
21.02.2020: New discussion paper by Mario Bossler and Thorsten Schank: Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction

The discussion paper can be found here. …

20.12.2019: New discussion paper by Manuel Denzer: Estimating causal effects in binary response models with binary endogenous explanatory variables - a comparison of possible estimators

The discussion paper can be found here.

02.12.2019: Johannes Carow receives GLK Award

Further Information can be found here. …

15.11.2019: Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

01.10.2019: New assistant at the Chair

Further Information can be found here. …

12.09.2019: Manuel Denzer on leave at UC Berkeley

Further Information can be found here. …

01.09.2019: New assistant at the Chair

Further Information can be found here. …

10.08.2019: Tewodros Dessie obtains doctoral degree

Further Information can be found here. ...

01.08.2019: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik I im SoSe 2020 gesucht

Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

08.07.2019: Talk of Christina Gathmann

Topic: Job loss and health spillovers in the family

Further Information can be found here. ...

18.06.2019: Eva Erhardt obtains doctoral degree

Further Information can be found here. ...

17.06.2019: Research Workshop on June 27th

Further Information can be found here. ...

12.06.2019: New discussion paper by Kai Pastor, Thorsten Schank and Klaus Wälde: Ranking (average marks of) students

The discussion paper can be found here. ...

02.05.2019: New assistant at the chair

Further Information can be found here. ...

30.04.2019: Viktor Bozhinov obtains doctoral degree

Further Information can be found here. ...

01.02.2019: Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

26.11.2018: Announcement Summer School 2019

Summer School on Advanced Econometrics with Jeffrey M. Wooldridge April 1st - 5th, 2019

Further Information can be found here. ...

12.11.2018: Talk of Patrick Kampkötter

Topic: Paying gig workers

Further Information can be found here. ...

23.10.2018: Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

17.10.2018: Research Workshop on October 17th

Further information can be found here. ...

13.09.2018: New discussion paper by Manuel Denzer, Thorsten Schank and Richard Upward: Does the internet increase the job finding rate? Evidence from a period of internet expansion

Further Information, including the discussion paper, can be found here. ...

07.09.2018: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik I im SoSe 2019 gesucht

Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

11.07.2018: Workshop Science to Data Science

Further information can be found here. ...

25.06.2018: Talk of Richard Upward

Topic: Social comparisons in job search

Further Information can be found here. ...

21.06.2018: Research Workshop on June 21st

Further Information can be found here. ...

09.05.2018: Manuel Denzer appointed as Junior Member of the Gutenberg Academy

Further Information can be found here. ...

04.05.2018: First SOEPcampus @ JGU took place successfully

Further Information can be found here. ...

02.05.2018: Stellenausschreibung Studentische Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

03.05.2018 - 04.05.2018: First SOEPcampus @ Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Further Information can be found here. ...

06.04.2018: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik II WS18/19 gesucht

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. ...

05.02.2018: Talk of Oskar Nordström Skans
07.02.2018: Research Workshop on February 7th

Further information can be found here. ...

09.01.2018: Pressemitteilung: Geschlechterquote im Aufsichtsrat: Viele neue Frauen mit geringem Einfluss

Frauenanteil in deutschen Aufsichtsräten bereits vor Einführung der Quote gestiegen – Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Mitgliedschaft in Ausschüssen nimmt allerdings ab. ...

13.11.2017: Talk of Boris Hirsch

Topic: Urban wage premium in imperfect labour markets

Further Information can be found here. ...

11.10.2017: Research Workshop on October 11th

Further Information can be found here. ...

28.09.2017: New discussion paper by Viktor Bozhinov, Christopher Koch and Thorsten Schank on the role of women in German supervisory boards, September 2017

Further Information, including the discussion paper, can be found here. ...

18.09.2017: Commentary by Thorsten Schank on labor market issues in the German election, IZA World of Labor

Further Information, including the article, can be found here. ...

27.09.2017: New discussion paper by Alexander Mosthaf on changes in self-efficacy, August 2017

The discussion paper can be found here. ...

03.09.2017: New publication by our external PhD student Eva Erhardt: Microfinance beyond self-employment: evidence for firms in Bulgaria, Labour Economics, August 2017

Further Information, including the publication can be found here. ...

26.07.2017: Stellenausschreibung Studentische Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ......

21.06.2017: CHE Hochschulranking 2017/18: Hervorragende nationale Platzierung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der JGU

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. ...

22.06.2017: Research Workshop on June 22nd

Further Information can be found here. ...

30.05.2017: Stellenausschreibung Studentische Hilfskraft

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier. ...

29.05.2017: Talk of Martin Biewen
20.04.2017: Research Workshop on April 20th

Further information about the Workshop can be found here. ...

16.02.2017: Research Workshop on February 16th

Further information about the Workshop can be found here. ...

06.02.2017: Talk of Astrid Kunze

Topic: The effect of children on earnings inequality among men.

Further Information can be found here. ...

19.12.2016: Talk of Petra Moser
24.11.2016: Research Workshop on November 24th

Further information about the Workshop can be found here. ...

28.10.2016: Tutoren & Tutorinnen für Statistik I SS17 gesucht

Der Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Statistik & Ökonometrie Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schank sucht Tutoren & Tutorinnen für die Veranstaltung Statistik I im Sommersemester 2017. ...

29.09.2016: Research Workshop on September 29th

If you would like to know more about the Workshop click here. ...

18.07.2016: Wolfgang Dauth, University of Würzburg
11.07.2016: Best Paper Award for Eva Erhardt

Further information can be found here. ...

23.06.2016: Research Workshop on June 23rd

Further information about the Workshop can be found here. ...

03.03.2016: Research Workshop on March 3rd

Further information about the Workshop can be found here. ...

26.02.2016: Doctoral Scholarship for Viktor Bozhinov

Doctoral student Viktor Bozhinov has obtained funding for his project ...

25.01.2016: Talk of Guido Heineck

Topic: Only in the eye of the beholder? Attractiveness and trust.
Further Information can be found here. ...

03.12.2015: Talk of Marion Weckes

Topic: Ungleichheit zwischen Arbeitnehmer- und Anteilseignervertreter bei der Besetzung von Frauen im Aufsichtsrat.
Further Information can be found here. ...

01.06.2015: Talk of Patrick Puhani

Topic: Do boys benefit from male teachers in elementary school? Evidence from administrative panel data.
Further Information can be found here. ...

04.05.2015: Talk of Banjamin Elsner
09.02.2015: Talk of Harald Tauchmann
24.11.2014: Talk of Andrea Weber

Topic: Coworkers, networks and job search outcomes.
Further Information can be found here. ...

19.08.2013 - 23.08.2013: Summer School & Research Workshop "Panel Data Methods", with Jeffrey M. Wooldridge

Further Information can be found here. ...